Rules & Regulations
  • To attend the Institute regularly
  • To respect the right of others to learn
  • To respect peers and teachers regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender
  • To respect the property and equipment of the Institute and of others
  • To carry out instructions to the best of their ability
  • Students are representatives of our Institute and are thus expected to set for themselves a high standard of behaviour both inside and outside the Institute
  • To read all Institute notices and bring them to their parents’/guardians’ attention

LEAVE APPLICATIONS :-  Please consider carefully the effect of learning and the consequences of asking for leave. The process of applying for leave is that parents/guardian/self write to the center head well in advance mentioning the dates and the reason for leave. Each application is considered fully by the student’s faculty before the leave is granted

MOBILE PHONE :-  Phones will be permitted in the Institute. Students will be able to use them in class as a learning device with the prior permission of the teacher. Mobile phones if misused will be confiscated.

ABSENTEE :-  If you know you are going to be absent for any reason, please call the office or send a message with your name, department, contact number and reason for being absent.

DEVICES (LAPTOPS/TABLETS) :-   Devices will be permitted in school. Students will be able to use them in class as learning devices with the prior permission of the teacher. Students will not be permitted to use devices in the Institute waiting areas. The security and protection of the device will be the sole responsibility of the student.

BULLYING :-  Any form of bullying verbal or physical, is strictly forbidden.

DAMAGE :-  Any kind of damage must be reported immediately to the faculty . In the case of any negligence or willful damage, students will be expected to contribute part or all of it.

CYBER SAFETY :- There are times when inappropriate use of social media is brought to our attention. Students are expected to read and abide by the Institute’s Cyber Safety Agreement.